Prancing through the pages of history, ploughed into Muslim Spain – a beacon of civilization to the rest of Europe. Cordova, the seat of Caliphate, had paved and lit street and boasted bookshop and more than seventy libraries 400 years before the rest of Europe even learned how to make paper. Cordova that iconic centre of knowledge based power house, …
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Rap’s Islamic Roots? by Lavon L. Brown
Hip-Hop – specifically the Rap art form of Hip-Hop – is usually preceded by its reputation of ”Gangsta life-style” lyrics riddled with curse words, bad grammar, and the infamous “N” word, stereotypically painting a post-apocalyptic portrait of poor African-American communities. It is widely promoted as an American subculture/multi-faceted art form rooted within the 1970′s poverty stricken South Bronx communities of New …
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