Moderation and temperance are keynote of Islam

The simplicity of Islam, the powerful appeal and compelling atmosphere of its mosques, the earnestness of its faithful adherents, the confidence inspiring realization of the millions throughout the world who answer the five daily calls to prayer – these factors attracted me from the first.

The broad-minded tolerance of Islam for other religions recommends it to all lovers of liberty. Muhammad admonished his followers to treat well the believers in the Old and New Testament; and Abraham, Moses, Jesus are acknowledged as co-Prophets of the One God. Surely this is generous and far in advance of the attitude of other religions.

Moderation and temperance in all things, keynote of Islam, won my unqualified approbation.

Col. Donald S. Rockwell

Islam alone can satisfy the needs of every member of the human family

Christianity must go the way of all things, and henceforth perish and forever to make room for the True Religion God to mankind, and that is Islam, which is Truth, sincerity, toleration, looking to the interests of man and pointing him to the Right Way. Islam alone can satisfy the needs of every member of the human family, and Muslims are the only people among whom can be found the “True Book of Brotherhood” in reality and not mere “make-belief” as in Christianity.

Sir Jalaluddin Lauder Brunton

Islam alone offers the solution of present-day problems

To the Western mind, the chief appeal of Islam must be its simplicity. Admittedly, there are one or two other faiths which are as easy of approach but they sadly lack the vitality of the Faith of the Prophet (may Allah bless him), and the spiritual and moral elevation which it offers.

Islam must also appeal by virtue of its tolerance… Strangely Christian intolerance awakened my first interest in Islam.

The Churches are utterly incapable of grappling with present-day problems. Islam alone, offers the solution.

John Fisher

Islam has always attracted me both by its simplicity and by the devotion of its followers

Since adopting Islam as my faith I feel that I have come to a turning point in my life, and to account for this, to give you some idea as to why I have become a Muslim. I have subjected myself to what I might call a self-psychological analysis.

Islam had always attracted me both by its simplicity and by the devotion of its followers … I was taught to regard all religions other than Christianity as blasphemous and their adherents as heathens.

Islam has given me a very practical method of breaking down the barrier of materialism in one of the Five Pillars of Faith, namely `Prayer.’ The Muslim prayer keeps me constantly aware of my duty to Allah, to my soul, and to my fellow creatures.

Khalid D’Larnger Remraf

The purity and simplicity of the Islamic Faith and its obvious Truth made a special appeal to me!

The purity and simplicity of the Islamic Faith, its freedom from dogma and sacredotalism and its obvious Truth made a special appeal to me. The honesty and sincerity of the Muslims, too, are greater than anything I have seen in Christians.

Another beauty of Islam is its equality. It is only Islam that has real equality maintained between man and man and no other religion has anything like it. The Faith of Islam generates unity.

The Deen of Islam is also the cleanest religion in the world because Muslims have to wash the exposed parts of the body five times a day, a practice not found in any other religion of the world.

A. W.L. Van Kuylenburg

In Islam I have found the true Faith for which I had been seeking so long

I devoted a considerable amount of my spare time to a thorough study of an English translation of the Holy Qur’an, and as I read over and over again, certain of the words of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah exalt his mention), I could not help but see that here, at last, in Islam I had found the true faith for which I had been seeking so long.

I would like to say that I feel confident, that if only people in this and other Western countries can be brought to appreciate the full meaning of Islam, and what it stands for, the ranks of Islam will be daily swelled, only unfortunately there is a vast amount of misapprehension in the minds of many ‘Free Thinkers’ and others who still cling to their old creed simply because they require the moral courage to abandon a faith, with the principles of which they are, at variance, and to embrace Islam.

Walker H. Williams

I have accepted Islam because it fits in so well with my own ideas

A man becomes a truer Christian or a Jew by way of Islam, than by any way advocated by the Christian or Jewish people to-day.

In Islam, there is tolerance and an acknowledgement of universal brotherhood. So, I may say, that I have accepted Islam because it fits in so well with my own ideas about Allah and His beautiful plan. It is the only Faith I really can understand. Indeed, such is its simplicity and beauty that even a little child can understand it.

Amina Le Fleming

Islam is the religion I have been seeking for

Islam is the religion I have been seeking for since my school days. My mind was dissatisfied all along with the Christian teachings till I was old enough to have independence of thought to shake them off. I came in touch with the true religion of Islam. I became interested in Islam, whose keynote is simplicity – for instance, belief in the Unity (Unity is not the proper word to use, instead the word ‘Oneness’ describes Monotheism in real sense – Editor) of Allah. This is why it appeals to me.

The religion of Islam has given me peace and happiness such as I never had before.

Miss Joan Fatima

If Britain and Europe were converted to Islam, they would again be powerful forces for good

There is no version of Christianity which is really satisfactory. Christians believe that because of the fall of Adam and Eve, all human beings are born in a state of original, sin, and are unable by their own actions to merit Heaven. Muslims, however, do not believe that people are punished for the sin of Adam and Eve. They believe that all human beings are born of innocence, and can only lose their hope of Heaven by their own sins when they are old enough to be guilty of deliberate wrong-doing.

If Britain and Europe were converted to Islam, they would again be powerful forces for good. British and European Muslims are some of the best.


Khadija F.R. Fezoui

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